hist_stretch_cvip() - This function stretches a histogram.



outputImage = hist_stretch_cvip(inputImage, low, high, lowClip, highClip);

Input Parameters Include :

Output Parameter Include :


This function stretches a histogram of an input image. This histogram stretch technique can be used to improve the contrast of an image. By clipping a small percentage at the ends, you can avoid the possibility of a few high or low pixel values compromising the stretch effect.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read image

 X1 = imread('Cam.bmp');

 X2 = imread('Car.bmp');

% Lower limit of stretch

 low = 0;

% Higher limit of stretch

 high = 1;

% Lower clip

 lowClip = 0;

% Higher clip

 highClip = 0;

% Calling function ,Stretches the histogram of the input  image

 S1 = hist_stretch_cvip(X1,low,high,lowClip,highClip);

 S2 = hist_stretch_cvip(X2,low,high,lowClip,highClip);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(X1);title('Input Image1');

 figure;imshow(X2);title('Input Image2');

% Display Output image

 figure;imshow(S1);title('Output Hist stretch Image1');

 figure;imshow(S2);title('Output Hist stretch Image2');


Author: Deependra Mishra, March 2017
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