morphitermod_cvip() - Iterative morphological modification of a binary image.



outImage = morphitermod_cvip(binImage, setsSurr, n, boolFunc, rotate)

Input Parameters include :

                 surrounds id = 1  ---->  0 0 x
                                          0 b 0
                                          x 0 0
                 surrounds id = 2  ---->  0 1 x
                                          0 b 0
                                          x 0 0
                 surrounds id = 3  ---->  1 1 x
                                          0 b 0
                                          x 0 0
                 surrounds id = 14 ---->  1 1 x
                                          0 b 0
                                          x 1 1
                 If multiple surrounds are selected, a_ij = 1 if any of
                 the surrounds are present. See reference 1 for other
                 surrounds, which are not shown above.
                                                            (default: 7)
                 boolFunc = 1  ---->  !a     (i.e. NOT a)
                 boolFunc = 2  ---->  ab     (i.e a AND b)
                 boolFunc = 3  ---->  a+b    (i.e a OR b)
                 boolFunc = 4  ---->  a^b    (i.e a XOR b)
                 boolFunc = 5  ---->  (!a)b  (i.e (NOT a) AND b)
                 boolFunc = 6  ---->  (a!b)  (i.e a AND (NOT b))
                                                            (default: 1)
                 rotate = 0  ---->  OFF
                 rotate = 1  ---->  ON
                                                            (default: 0)

Output Parameter include :


The function performs an iterative morphological modification of a binary image. To perform morphological modification,first,a_ij is found for each pixel;a_ij is 1 if (i,j)th pixel has the user specified surrounds or 0 otherwise. Then,morphological operation is performed between a_ij and b_ij,where b_ij is current pixel value(either 1 or 0). The user can specify the morphological operation by choosing one of the boolean function from the pre-defined list. A total of 14 surrounds sets are available. Each surrounds set has six surrounding pixels as we have considered NW/SE six connectivity. If rotate option is set ON, the surrounds are checked in all six directions. The morophological modification is repeated n times.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read image

 I = imread('Shapes.bmp');

% Call function using default parameters

 O1 = morphitermod_cvip(I);

% Number of iterations

 n = 3;

% boolean function L(a,b) = ab

 f = 2;

% sets of surrounds

 S = [1 2 3 5];

% rotate OFF

 r = 1;

% Call function using user specified parameters

 O2 = morphitermod_cvip(I,S,n,f,r);

% Display input image

 figure;imshow(I);title('Input image');

% Display output image

 figure;imshow(O1,[]);title('Output image using default parameters');

 figure;imshow(O2,[]);title('Output image user specified parameters');


Author: Norsang Lama, June 2017
Copyright © 2017-2018 Scott E Umbaugh
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