uniform_noise_cvip() - adds Uniform noise to an image.



[ outImage ] = uniform_noise_cvip( inImage, noiseArgs, noiseImgSize)

Input Parameters include :

Output Parameter includes :


The function adds Uniform noise to an image or creates Uniform noise image. If user wants to add Uniform noise to the image, the user needs to pass only two input arguments (input image, and Uniform noise arguments). The Uniform noise arguments consists of mean and variance value. If user wants to create a Uniform noise image only, pass input image as an empty matrix [ ]. And, the size of the noise image can be defined by passing additional parameter (size of noise image). If not passed, default size of 256*256 will be selected.


1. Scott E Umbaugh. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS: Applications with MATLAB and CVIPtools, 3rd Edition.


% Read image

 I = imread('butterfly.tif');

% mean = 20, variance = 100

 noise_parameter = [20 100];

% calling function with default parameters

 O1 = uniform_noise_cvip(I);

% Uniform noise image

 image_size = [300 400];        %height = 300, width = 400

% Calling function with user defined parameters

 O2 = uniform_noise_cvip(I,noise_parameter);

 O3 = uniform_noise_cvip([],noise_parameter, image_size);

% Display input image

 figure; imshow(I);title('Input Image');

% Display output image

  figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(O1,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image-Default parameters');

  figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(O2,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image with Mean=20 and Variance = 100');

  figure; imshow(hist_stretch_cvip(O3,0,1,0,0));title('Output Image with Height=300 and Width = 400');


Author: Norsang Lama, April 2017
Copyright © 2017-2018 Scott E Umbaugh
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